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Getting to Know Jesus: John 4


I love reading the gospel of John because his gospel is a little different than the other three, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. John’s gospel paints a portrait of the Savior Jesus as both the lion and the lamb. He is God incarnate. Human but divine. Powerful but humble. While the other three gospels also portray Jesus’ divinity and humanity, John’s gospel is laden with a theological overtone emphasizing the supremacy, authority, and purpose of Jesus’ time on earth. It reveals Jesus’ holiness. John’s gospel also includes many stories and passages that are not found in the other three gospels. John’s perspective is unique, fresh and compelling as a work of the Holy Spirit’s anointing. In particular, the story of the woman at the well found in John 4 is one of the stories unique to John’s gospel. It is the story of a Samaritan woman who meets Jesus and is forever changed. By looking closer at this story – and chapter 4 of John’s gospel altogether – we get a glimpse of Jesus in action during his 3 year ministry. Reaching out to the unassuming. Bringing hope to the one marked hopeless. Offering love. Offering life. This is Jesus.


Summary: John 4

In John 4, Jesus heads for Galilee with His disciples and travels through Samaria to get there; Jesus’ disciples go into town for food; Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well who is drawing water; He asks her for water and begins to have a conversation with her about God’s “living water,” that never runs dry; the woman believes that He could be the Messiah and runs to town to tell the others about Him; the disciples return just as the woman leaves and they are confused as to why he is talking to a woman; Jesus talks to the disciples about the harvest being ripe; many in the woman’s town begin to believe that Jesus is the Messiah; Jesus and his disciples arrive in Galilee and everybody believes Him, but only because they have seen his miracles; Jesus heals the son of a royal official.

 You can also read John chapter 4 here: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+4&version=HCSB

Jesus in John 4:1-54

Jesus travels with a purpose (v. 4)

Jesus was human. He got tired too (v. 6)

Jesus is waiting for us at “the well” (v. 6-8)

Jesus is unafraid to talk to those who society labels as “other” (v. 7-9)

Jesus wants to give us life (v. 10)

Jesus wants us to realize how much we need Him (v. 10)

Jesus is honest with us (v. 13)

Jesus helps us to see the reality of our situation (v. 13)

Jesus cares about our condition (v. 13-14)

Jesus is the eternal well of life (v. 14)

Jesus gives continually (v. 14)

Jesus changes our heart (v. 15)

Jesus knows everything (v. 16-18)

Jesus tells us that He already knows our situation, but doesn’t condemn us (v. 18)

Jesus teaches us about worship (v. 21-24)

Jesus is already here (v. 25-26)

Jesus is the Messiah (v. 26)

Jesus amazes us (v. 28-29)

Jesus is funny (v. 32)

Jesus doesn’t worry about earthly needs (v. 32)

Jesus desires to do the will of God above all else (v. 34)

Jesus is faithful (v. 34)

Jesus sees potential (v. 35)

Jesus is confident (v. 35)

Jesus turns optimism into a reality (v. 35-36)

Jesus is always looking to harvest and save people (v. 35-36)

Jesus spends time with people (v. 40)

Jesus’ words prompt our belief in Him (v. 41-42)

Jesus is the One we look to (v. 47)

Jesus wants us to believe even when we don’t see signs and miracles (v. 48)

Jesus still heals even when he knows our faith is weak (v. 50)

Jesus’ words are powerful (v. 53)


“Jesus answered, “If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water.” –John 4:10- (The Message)



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