Category: Gospel of Mark

  • Marked By Jesus: Mark 1:9-15

    Marked By Jesus: Mark 1:9-15

    The sunshine greets the day incoming as the Son of God encroaches on the river. The river flows softly, gently, abundantly…

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  • Marked By Jesus: Mark 1:1-8

    Marked By Jesus: Mark 1:1-8

    What marks you? As a person created to be moved and wooed, surrounded by stimuli ever present in the environments we exist in, you will be marked by something. Influenced by something. Imprinted with something.

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  • The Tree that Blooms

    The Tree that Blooms

    With holy week upon us I can’t help but time-travel to this week in history when Jesus was dawning upon the holy city… headed for the moment where all the universe stood still… it’s heavy on my heart because I know what He is headed towards. I keep thinking about what Jesus was doing this…

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  • The Unbreakable King

    The Unbreakable King

    Palm Sunday. 🌿The day Jesus made His valiant entry into Jerusalem… en route to accomplishing the most love-moving sacrifice one could make. To give His life for us… as our King… as our God. As the Messiah sent to die for the sins of the world, this sacrifice would not be happenstance but rather a…

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  • Getting to Know Jesus: Mark 3

    Although Mark’s gospel is shorter than the other three gospels, what it lacks in content it makes up for in action. The book of Mark constantly portrays Jesus as on-the-move. Jesus is going from place to place, teaching, healing, traveling and seeking. Mark uses the word “immediately” about 40 times in this gospel, writing with…

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  • Getting to Know Jesus: Mark 11

    As the shortest of the four gospels found in the New Testament, Mark is a simple yet action-packed gospel. Mark writes with a sense of urgency. A sense of imminence. A sense of time running out. This sense of urgency might have been linked to his friendship with the apostle Paul, who is recognized for…

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