Tag: Anger

  • Don’t be Mad at God

    Lately I’ve felt mad at God. And in feeling guilty about it, I figured I should forgive…because I’m usually of the mindset that if I am mad at someone then I should forgive them. Easier said than done sometimes, I know. But I know it makes me feel better. But then I thought… What the…

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  • Tears, Airport Terminals, and When God Gave Me Pain

    Why does God give us pain? I know why He allows pain. I know why He permits pain to exist in the world. It’s a product of fallen humanity. Nothing will be free from pain until Jesus comes back and ushers in the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21). I know all of this.…

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  • Sweet Emotions

    For the past year, I’ve found myself more aware of my emotions than I ever been. I used to not be very open when it came to expressing exactly how I felt. I used to be an emotion-stuffer. I stuffed my emotions. I bottled them up. I never let anybody see how I was feeling.…

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  • Getting to Know Jesus: Mark 3

    Although Mark’s gospel is shorter than the other three gospels, what it lacks in content it makes up for in action. The book of Mark constantly portrays Jesus as on-the-move. Jesus is going from place to place, teaching, healing, traveling and seeking. Mark uses the word “immediately” about 40 times in this gospel, writing with…

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