Tag: creation

  • Love Waves

    Love Waves

    Constellations sparkle high above the atmosphere. Supernovas blast flamboyantly. Planets circuit whimsically. Tsunami waves upsurge to interlace. The waters glaze God’s outer space. Ocean swells roar at the sound of His name. “Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light…

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  • The City of God

    The City of God

    “Rubies, emeralds, sapphires, amethysts!” Her hands investigate the texture of the dense gems layering the wall. Flashes of light bolt from its hues as Zion shines in every direction. “Remarkable,” she whispers as her fingers trace the mosaic. “It’s hand-crafted.” A voice rings like waterfalls. Her head swivels. The ground shakes as His footsteps move…

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  • The Dress Maker

    The Dress Maker

    He made the dress. Satin ribbons and chiffon are Heaven’s invention. Silk threads and gemstones derive from God’s creation breathed from His Spirit in six days. God knows what He is doing when He crafts a work of art. He knows how to lace the earth with resources we need to flourish and create. God…

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  • Holy Dust – Part 3

    Holy Dust – Part 3

    Part 3 Radiance adorned the garden of Eden in the beginning. Perfect bliss. Holy space. Then man appeared. God fashioned His most elaborate creation. A man and a woman. Made for His glory and His delight. God formed man from the dust of the earth, holy and regal. Handsome and perfect. One with the earth…

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  • Holy Dust – Part 2

    Holy Dust – Part 2

    Part 2 Radiance adorned the garden of Eden in the beginning. Perfect bliss. Holy space. Then man appeared. God fashioned His most elaborate creation. A man and a woman. Made for His glory and His delight. God formed man from the dust of the earth, holy and regal. Handsome and perfect. One with the earth…

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  • Holy Dust – Part 1

    Holy Dust – Part 1

    Part 1 Radiance adorned the garden of Eden in the beginning. Perfect bliss. Holy space. Then man appeared. God fashioned His most elaborate creation. A man and a woman. Made for His glory and His delight. God formed man from the dust of the earth, holy and regal. Handsome and perfect. One with the earth…

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  • Stars Shine

    Stars Shine

    You sparked a supernova soaring in the sky en route to find me waiting for You in the chroma of the deep end of the ocean arc’s aroma

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  • The Sapphire Road

    The Sapphire Road

    highest mountains Trevi fountains rivers harbored in the sky wildest oceans

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