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Share Holiness

Holy holy holy sing the seraphim on high. Holy holy holy sound the angels in His light. Close your eyes and open them to Jesus. He destined you to be there where they tell of His glorious reign.


the celebration

ringing in the air


the jubilation

singing everywhere

King Jesus prepares

to rule and wear

the royal crown

of New Heaven and Earth

the Lord is coming

the Lord is coming

In Isaiah 6, the prophet Isaiah speaks of the glorious vision he has of the Lord in Heaven. In this vision, God shares His holiness with Isaiah. Here, Isaiah glimpses the magnitude of His holiness. This is crucial for Isaiah to comprehend, as one speaking for Yahweh. To know Yahweh is to be transformed by Yahweh’s presence. His presence is holy. His being is holy. His words are holy. God shares His glory with Isaiah because he is chosen for such a task.

When God chooses you, He inclines to share His holiness with you. He chooses not just anyone, but the one who will acquiesce to this calling and seek God in every element of commitment to God.

Ministry requires holiness.

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15-16

Holiness starts with a holy God as the center of your life. When God share His holiness with you, it disrupts the impurities to detatch from you so that you will become holy like the Lord said you would.

Serve the Lord with all of your heart and your heart is transformed to share in God’s holiness as a result.

Isaiah is given this treasure of holiness in Isaiah 6.

“In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of His robe filled the temple.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬

The holiness of God shares space with everone else in the room. God does not keep His glory to Himself. When you enter the throne room, His glory invades every part of you. You cannot escape it. You must submit to it.

Verse 1 says, “His robe filled the temple.” This is just the robe, and we have not heard about the rest of God’s description.

God’s beauty will fill up your space if you long to see Him with purity.

God’s holiness will fill up the space of your heart if you long to be pure and holy as He is pure and holy.

God’s glory will fill up the evil space in your environment if you long for God to impart righteousness into it.

Isaiah longed to see the Lord and He did.

Do you desire to see the Lord? Is He your top wish?

Isaiah saw the Lord in Isaiah 6 because He loved God and God chose Him for a reason. God chose to share this vision with Isaiah, regardless of His humanity. His glory filled the temple. Holy beings surrounded His throne.

“Above Him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.” Isaiah 6:2

Seraphim are angelic beings created by God for the sole purpose of worshipping Him night and day. This is an enjoyable activity for the seraphim who delight to fly in the light of God’s glory. They never stop. They keep flying. They keep proclaiming the holiness of the God who inclines to share His holiness with them.

“And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬

The Hebrew word in Isaiah 6 for “holy” is “kadosh.” Kadosh means “set apart,” or “separate from the real world.” God’s world exists in holiness, set apart from ours. God’s world is perfect, whereas the earth is imperfect because of the fall of man whereby sin entered into a perfect earth. God cannot share relationship with us unless He shares His holiness with us. Thus, He delights to incline to share His holiness with us, because He wants us in His life.

Are you willing to share your most extravagant blessing with someone you love just to have a relationship with them? This is exactly what God did for us. God shared His most valuable asset, His own holiness, with the whole world when He sent His holy Son Jesus to die for our sins and redeem us into His holiness. No one could be this pure and holy sacrifice except for Jesus.

“There is none holy like the Lord: for there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God.” 1 Samuel‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬

No one possesses this costly gift to give you. None except God. None could buy your righteousness nor pay for your access to Heaven. None except God.

No one is holy like God. Our very existence necessitates His presence in our lives. He designed us this way because He wants us to need Him, pray to Him, know Him, love Him and be loved by Him. God’s holiness is the glue that connects us.

“For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness.” 1 Thessalonians 4:7

The calling of the Lord leads you to holiness not impurity. When you follow Him, your life changes direction. Your mind gets wrapped up in Him. Your life gets obsessed with the God of the universe whom you were made to be in relationship with and hear from His Holy Spirit. This is our purpose. Jesus is your purpose. Cultivate your relationship with Jesus, the One who purifies you everyday by His presence in your life.

Holiness is not an option for God’s Beloved.

“Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬ ‭

God lavishes holiness onto His beloved.

When Isaiah understands the lack of holiness he possesses when in the glory of God’s presence, he fears for his life. He shrieks and shouts. But God is going to share His holiness with him so that he will never feel inadequate in his identity as God’s beloved and as God’s mouthpiece. God wants Isaiah to be confident in his mission to speak for God. Therefore, he lets him see Him holiness and then gives him the holiness required for what He is commissioning him into.

Isaiah said, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.”

Isaiah‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬.

But God sends a holy seraphim to touch Isaiah’s mouth with coal and says…

“Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for”

Isaiah‬ ‭6‬:‭7‬

We cannot speak and act for the Lord unless He has touched our mouth with holiness. Isaiah is given this gift because God ordained Isaiah to speak for Him. Holiness is your clothing. Holiness is your armor. Holiness is your character. Holiness is your identity, imparted by the One who is holy.

God wants to share His holiness with you so you can win every victory He sends you into.

God wants to share His holiness with you so speak clearly and correctly.

God wants to share His holiness with you so you can articulate God’s heart of love.

God wants to share His holiness with you so will not be detered by impure tempations.

God wants to share His holiness with you so you will march forward with power and zeal for people’s salvation.

God wants to share His holiness with you so He can be close to you.

God atones for your sin on the spot when you come to Him. God changes your heart to live holy and pure. Come to Him… the Lord loves you and He redeemed you with holiness.

The prophet Jeremiah spoke to the people reminding them of this call to come to the Lord.

“Thus says the Lord:
“The people who survived the sword
    found grace in the wilderness;
when Israel sought for rest,
    the Lord appeared to him from far away.
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued My faithfulness to you.” Jeremiah 31:2-3

Holiness is a result of God’s faithfulness. He chooses to grant purity to a people who carry sins and iniquities. Yet, the Lord is not lacking in holiness to give. He never runs out. Once God gives you holiness, receive it and live by it. Every heart knows if they are truly seeking the Lord or not. We all have a choice.

God shares His holiness with you. You are holy if you want to be. Share His holiness with the world and speak for His name, just as Isaiah did. Isaiah faced hardships because of speaking God’s holiness and you may also, but this is the beautiful mission of God: to save the world into His love. Speak Jesus’ holiness. Save the world.

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