

The day belongs to Him, the King of diamonds in the sky. God’s glory cascades through the clouds like ribbons of gold unfurling from Zion. Velvet green grass perks up to glimpse the sunshine breathing on its blades with serenity. Oak trees reach upward for a taste of the day’s divine light. Everyday marks another elaborate creation of His creativity.

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

We love everything You make, God.

God makes love dazzle in the sky. Come closer and see the wonder of His technicolor genius. Feel the heat of His sun’s supernatural proclivity to shine. He makes you glad by the break of day, for His lovelight is here to stay.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

God lights up the path before you like only He can. He breathes into your soul with joyful living. He makes the day afresh every morning, leading to the night where stars invoke His gaze to behold Him in awe.

The moon rises and bids adieu to the sun setting on the horizon in regal extravagance. Shades of cabernet sauvignon and peaches bleed on the canvas of His atmosphere’s gallery. Midnight hails with navy blue hues and jazzy tunes as oceans swoon the seashore nestling for rest under the crescent moon.

Lovelight persists with our lover God.

Make the sky glow for us Jesus. Show us what it can do when you speak your Holy Spirit’s proof of its royalty.

Our days belong to Him. Our love belongs to Him. He beckons us. Speaks love to us. Sings over us with timeless adoration.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Sunlight of honeysuckle yellow kisses the skin and dazzles for Him at the moment Heaven breaks through. Heaven always breaks through to reach us with the Holy Spirit of God in our hearts.

God’s lovelight opens our eyes to see clearly.

Hear Him telling you how much He yearns for you. Hear Him telling you He will always want you to be His.

It never gets old… Your love for me. I’ll love You forever and ever, God.

God spends every day loving you. God spends every day thinking of you, His Beloved.

“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” Genesis 1:3

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