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When It Rains

God broke the Oak


God is always up to something big when it rains. I feel it so often. This past Sunday God came in with strength and captivating love. I keep thinking about it.

I see it in the storm.

I see it in His protective, warrior love over us.

I see it in how it went from sunny skies to darkened clouds within minutes when rain wasn’t forecasted.

And when it came it shook the city of Dallas.

What’s even more beautiful is this sunday was Pentecost. And again, fire fell from Heaven.

Outside my window, the oak tree standing in the grass came falling down. A tree that’s stood for decades. Like Jesus the beautiful vine-dresser knocking down strongholds that have taken root for years… breaking walls and shattering fears… coming into to rescue us from darkness with His own whirlwind of goodness and light.

I see the Lord breaking down walls and fears in my heart and the one I love. Planting a new seed that will be stronger and full of new life. The storm was gone within several minutes as it only takes a moment for God to do His final cleansing.

I love how God is not shaken by anything shaking us. Instead He is the one who shakes the earths and the heavens to break loose the things holding us down. Because He loves us that much. And He will fight for us when we are weak, liberating us for the newness awakening.

Life and love are yours from Him.

He knows just what to do to fight for you and He always will.

Our weakness won’t keep us from what God has, it will only enhance God’s involvement that much more. And this brings so much sweetness to it. Thank You Lord for how You move. When you rain, healing comes. Dreams awaken. Love is all around. It’s my delight to wait for you.

“The voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in His temple all cry, “Glory!”
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever.”

Psalm 29:9-10

2 responses to “When It Rains”

  1. Boy you have a gift!!!!! And boy did your words minister to me today!!!
    Thank you for your faithfulness to Him!!


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