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Like A Child

bless your children, Lord
bless the ones
whose hearts afford
to give their souls
to You according
to the worth
of Your

we give our all to You

highest devotion belongs to You

every heart
before the King
lift up your voice
declare and speak
He is the highest love
Our God is the only One
who ever sparked
a supernova
the only One
who ever melted
frozen tundra

Jesus is the roaring thunder
the warrior stunner
the God who came
to save His own
from going under
and calls us higher
to dwell with Him

come to Him like a child
enchanted in awe and wonder

Jesus, Your heart is all
we’re living for

Your Spirit is
the richness
to our spirits
Your presence is wholeness
to our presence
Your life is fullness
to the fullness
of our existence
here on earth
we want Your greatness
and Your glory
to be known
as Heaven’s Pearl
of greatest treasure

You are the greatest treasure

love Your children, Jesus
lead them ever
to your throne
where angels sing
and make their home
among the golden
rays of beams
that shine from You

teach Your children, Jesus
to follow You
wherever You go
to make their days
among the ways
of Your glorious Kingdom
where Heaven invades
every trace
of the face
of the earth
to make Your
Name known
Jesus is on His Holy Throne

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭5‬ ‭

“Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 18:4

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